Search code examples

Records not saved when updating OleDb

I'm using the following code to update my records in the database:

Imports System.Data.OleDb

Public Class Form1

 Private Sub update_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles updateBtn.Click

    '/// UPDATING TABLE - employee

        Using conn As New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=|DataDirectory|\Employee.mdb;")
            Dim command As New OleDbCommand("UPDATE employee SET [Last_Name] = @lname, [First_Name]= @fname, MI = @mi, Bday = @bday, Age = @age, [Nationality] = @natio, [Contact_Number] = @contact, Sex = @gender, Address = @address, Department = @department, [Position] = @position, TIN = @tin, SSS = @sss, Pagibig = @pagibig, PhilHealth = @phh, Termi_Resi = @termiresi, [Date_hired] = @datehired, [Rate_Month] = @rm, [Date_End] = @dateTermiResi, Status = @status, [Father_Name] = @father, [Mother_Name] = @mother, Civil = @civil, Spouse = @spouse, [Number_of_Children] = @numberchild, Child1 = @child1, Child2 = @child2, Child3 = @child3, Child4 = @child4, Child5 = @child5, Child6 = @child6, Child7 = @child7, Child8 = @child8, Child9 = @child9 WHERE [EmployID] = @numberemp", conn)
            With command.Parameters
                .AddWithValue("@numberemp", numberemp.Text)
                .AddWithValue("@lname", lname.Text)
                .AddWithValue("@fname", fname.Text)
                .AddWithValue("@mi", mi.Text)
                .AddWithValue("@bday", bday.Value)
                .AddWithValue("@age", age.Text)
                .AddWithValue("@natio", natio.Text)
                .AddWithValue("@contact", contact.Text)
                .AddWithValue("@gender", gender.Text)
                .AddWithValue("@address", address.Text)
                .AddWithValue("@department", department.Text)
                .AddWithValue("@position", position.Text)
                .AddWithValue("@tim", tin.Text)
                .AddWithValue("@sss", sss.Text)
                .AddWithValue("@pagibig", pagibig.Text)
                .AddWithValue("@phh", phh.Text)
                .AddWithValue("@termiresi", termiresi.Text)
                .AddWithValue("@datehired", datehired.Value)
                .AddWithValue("@rm", rm.Text)
                .AddWithValue("@dateTermiResi", dateTermiResi.Value)
                .AddWithValue("@status", status.Text)
                .AddWithValue("@father", father.Text)
                .AddWithValue("@mother", mother.Text)
                .AddWithValue("@civil", civil.Text)
                .AddWithValue("@spouse", spouse.Text)
                .AddWithValue("@numberchild", numberchild.Text)
                .AddWithValue("@child1", child1.Text)
                .AddWithValue("@child2", child2.Text)
                .AddWithValue("@child3", child3.Text)
                .AddWithValue("@child4", child4.Text)
                .AddWithValue("@child5", child5.Text)
                .AddWithValue("@child6", child6.Text)
                .AddWithValue("@child7", child7.Text)
                .AddWithValue("@child8", child8.Text)
                .AddWithValue("@child9", child9.Text)
            End With
            MessageBox.Show("Employee's Informations Successfuly Updated!", "INFO", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information)

        End Using
    Catch ex As Exception
        MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "ERROR12", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)
    End Try
End Sub

Whenever I click the update button, it says

Employee's Informations Successfuly Updated!

but in the database, it's not. Am I doing it wrong?


  • Always check the result of command.ExecuteNonQuery(). This will return the number of rows modified.

    Dim rows = command.ExecuteNonQuery()
    If rows = 0 then
        MessageBox.Show("No rows modified")
        MessageBox.Show("Employee's Informations Successfuly Updated!", "INFO", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information)
    End If

    If rows = 0 then the problem is most likely with the where clause. In this case it's matching on the parameter.

    .AddWithValue("@numberemp", numberemp.Text)

    Try using

    .AddWithValue("@numberemp", Integer.Parse(numberemp.Text))

    To make sure it's the right type.

    Also some database providers don't use the names you give for parameters. The only care about the order. So put @numberemp at the bottom of your parameter list as it's the last in the query.