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updating variable in http request callback in angular

This is probably easy but nevertheless. I have a http call in my controller where I load a json file. I want to update a variable in my html based on a result. It updates apparently the variable (console.log) in JS but not in the html. Is there a way to use $apply with the result or similar? What else to use? Here's a (not) working plnkr


    function SomeController($http){
  this.someValue = 'initial';
  $http.get('test.json').then(function (data) {
    console.log("get request "+this.someValue);

app.controller('someController', SomeController);


<div ng-controller="someController as some">


  • Whenever we create a function it has its own this(context). In your case this you're using inside $http.get success function is not this(context) of SomeController function. You have to keep the SomeController function context inside self variable & then use that variable in your success callback of $http.get function so that this will be treated as a global variable.


    function SomeController($http){
      var self =this;
      self.someValue = 'initial';
      $http.get('test.json').then(function (data) {
        console.log("get request "+this.someValue);

    Demo Plunkr