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Wicked PDF generating pdf only on page refresh

Am working on a web app and I have this "Registration" page. I want to render a pdf page when I visit the show page. But when i click on the show button a normal html page is loaded and the content is like a dump, all gibberish (here is a gist with the content: However, when I refresh the page it renders the pdf perfectly.

I checked if there was any differences in the url and params but everything was the same. I also checked the instance variables and they were the same. And I googled the issue and didn't find anything on it.

here is the rendering code in the show action:

respond_to do |format|
  format.html do
    render pdf: 'customer_print_out.pdf',
    file: "#{Rails.root}/app/views/pdf/customer_print_out.pdf.erb",
    page_size: 'A4',
    encoding: 'UTF-8'

I would like to note that I am generating a barcode in the pdf file. It is also loaded correctly when I refresh the page and when I remove the barcode generating code I still get the same issue.

am using: Rails v4.2.6, wicked_pdf v1.1.0, puma v3.6.0

Any help or pointers are really appreciated.


  • In order to render pdf, do the following:

    Register the PDF mime type in the config/initializers/mime_types.rb file:

    Mime::Type.register "application/pdf", :pdf

    In your controller do the following:

    class YourController < ApplicationController
      def show
        @product = Product.first
        respond_to do |format|
          format.pdf do
            render pdf: 'customer_print_out.pdf',
                   file: "#{Rails.root}/app/views/pdf/customer_print_out.pdf.erb",
                   page_size: 'A4', encoding: 'UTF-8'

    The request should be in pdf format, for example: your_controller_path(format: :pdf)