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How to change the text of a button on clicking it in UNITY?

enter image description hereI want to change the text of a Button on clicking it in Unity. I am new to C#. Kindly help me out!

The script which i added to my Button Element

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine.UI;

public class Buttontextchange : MonoBehaviour {

Text Buy;

    // Use this for initialization
    void Start () {
     Buy = transform.FindChild("Text").GetComponent<Text>();

    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update () {


public void clicked()
Debug.Log("Button Buy Clicked!");
Buy.text = "i am a button!";


I have tried a lot of answers but its not working out for me! I have the button inside the canvas. Your help is very much appreciated ! enter image description here


  • Your problem comes from the setup of your text and buttons.

    The Buttontextchange component is on Buttontext object. I can see on the picture that object has no child. But you run:

    void Start () {
        Buy = transform.FindChild("Text").GetComponent<Text>();

    which is where you are probably getting the error. The Text object is under the Button object so you could just pass it in the onClick call.

    public class Buttontextchange : MonoBehaviour 
        public void clicked(Text textRef)
            Debug.Log("Button Buy Clicked!");
            textRef.text = "i am a button!";

    Then in the inspector you drag the text object into the parameter slot.

    EDIT: User wants to change button color on click:

    public class Buttontextchange : MonoBehaviour 
        public void clicked(Gameobject buttonObj)
            Debug.Log("Button Buy Clicked!");
            Text text = buttonObj.GetComponentInChildren<Text>(true);
            if(text != null){
                textRef.text = "i am a button!";´
            Image image = buttonObj.GetComponent<Image>();
            if(image != null){
                image.color = newColor; 