I'm using Adobe DTM and I'm trying to get the value from a table (I have no control over this format or naming) and I'd like to grab the value of "Opened Account" in the example below but not sure how to go about it in DTM? I'm trying to target "th.rich-table-headercell" but not sure how to grab value?
<table class="rich-table home table" id="startForm:OpenedReviewApps" border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<colgroup span="0"></colgroup>
<thead class="rich-table-thead">
<tr class="rich-table-header">
<th class="rich-table-headercell" scope="colgroup">Opened Accounts</th>
<tbody id="startForm:OpenedReviewApps:tb">
<tr class="rich-table-row rich-table-firstrow">
<td class="rich-table-cell" id="startForm:Open" style="width:80%">
some data here
There may be a better way to do this, depending on what/when/where you are trying to get the value (e.g. page load rule vs. event based rule), but in general, based on your html, here is one way to do it.
Go to Rules > Data Elements, and click on Create New Data Element.
Name the Data Element something like "table_header" or whatever convention you currently use.
For Type, choose "CSS Selector".
For CSS Selector Chain, use "th.rich-table-headercell" (no quotes).
For get the value of, select "text".
(Optional, but recommended) Check the Scrub whitespace and linebreaks using cleanText option.
Now, for example, you can create a page load rule, and use %table_header%
in your condition(s) or variable field(s). Or, if you need to reference it in javascript in a custom code box, use _satellite.getVar('table_header')