How would one go about creating a "custom protocol?" I know you can create a URL protocol by adding a number of registry entries to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, but that seems to only work in a browser. I need for it to work in Windows Explorer also.
I know that I can write a client/server sort of interface, but I think that is overkill for my client's needs (and budget).
Long story short...
It sounds fairly simple (or so I thought). Any ideas?
You can create a custom protocol as long as you add a URL Protocol
value of type REG_SZ
to a class's key. It doesn't need an actual value, just needs to be present. Here's a simple example of an "Echo Protocol" I just created which works in Windows Explorer.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"URL Protocol"=""
@="Echo Protocol"
@="C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM32\\CMD.EXE /Q /C (echo %1) && pause"
Then if you type in Windows Explorer (or Run menu) for the path:
It should even work from a browser as well, you'll just need to confirm like any other protocol:
It should run the command:
I've found it will also work in the keys HKCR
and HKLM\Software\Classes