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Spring websocket STOMP Unsubscribe from eventHandler

I have a Spring Websocket Stomp application that accepts SUBSCRIBE requests.

In application I have a handler for SUBSCRIBE, that is,

 public class SubscribeStompEventHandler implements ApplicationListener<SessionSubscribeEvent> {

    public void onApplicationEvent(SessionSubscribeEvent event) {}

that I use to validate subscription.

In case if subscription is invalid, for instance, current user can not see that subscription, I would like Broker (I use SimpleMessagingBroker) to "forget" that subscription, or preferably, do not register it at all.

My questions are:

  • Can I make Broker to not register the subscription, if I move handling of subscription request to incoming message interceptor and stop message propagation?

  • What else could be used from this event handler to cancel the subscription?


  • You need to create you ChannelInterceptor implementation. Just extend ChannelInterceptorAdapter and override preSend(Message<?> message, MessageChannel channel). Here you will get access to headers with session information for validation. Also you need to registrate your interceptor

    public void configureMessageBroker(MessageBrokerRegistry registry) {
        registry.configureBrokerChannel().interceptors(new YourInterceptor())
        registry.enableSimpleBroker("/queue/", "/topic/");

    More information here How to reject topic subscription based on user rights with Spring-websocket