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How to bind akka http with akka streams?

I'm trying to use streams instead of pure actors to handle http requests and I came with the following code:

trait ImagesRoute {

  val log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass)

  implicit def actorRefFactory: ActorRefFactory
  implicit def materializer: ActorMaterializer

  val source =

  val route = {
    pathPrefix("images") {
      pathEnd {
        post {
          entity(as[Image]) { image =>

            val (ref, publisher) =

            val addFuture = Source.fromPublisher(publisher)

            val future = addFuture.runWith(Sink.head[Option[Image]])

            ref ! image

            onComplete(future.mapTo[Option[Image]]) {
              case Success(img) =>
                complete(Created, img)

              case Failure(e) =>
                log.error("Error adding image resource", e)
                complete(InternalServerError, e.getMessage)

I'm not sure if this is the correct way to do that, or even if this is a good approach or if I should use an actor to interact with the route, using the ask pattern and then inside the actor, stream everything.

Any ideas?


  • If you're only expecting 1 image from the entity then you don't need to create a Source from an ActorRef and you don't need Sink.asPublisher, you can simply use Source.single:

    def imageToComplete(img : Option[Image]) : StandardRoute = => complete(Created, i))
         .getOrElse {
           log error ("Error adding image resource", e)
           complete(InternalServerError, e.getMessage
    entity(as[Image]) { image =>
      val future : Future[StandardRoute] = 

    Simplifying your code further, the fact that you are only processing 1 image means that Streams are unnecessary since there is no need for backpressure with just 1 element:

    val future : Future[StandardRoute] = ImageRepository.add(image)

    In the comments you indicated

    "this is just a simple example, but the stream pipeline should be bigger doing a lot of things like contacting external resources and eventually back pressure things"

    This would only apply if your entity was a stream of images. If you're only ever processing 1 image per HttpRequest then backpressure never applies, and any stream you create will be a slower version of a Future.

    If your entity is in fact a stream of Images, then you could use it as part of stream:

    val byteStrToImage : Flow[ByteString, Image, _] = ???
    val imageToByteStr : Flow[Image, Source[ByteString], _] = ???
    def imageOptToSource(img : Option[Image]) : Source[Image,_] =
      Source fromIterator img.toIterator
    val route = path("images") {
      post {
        extractRequestEntity { reqEntity =>
          val stream = reqEntity.via(byteStrToImage)
          complete(HttpResponse(status=Created,entity = stream))