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How to add Keylistener to ListSelect in Vaadin?

I have a vaadin ListSelect component on which I would like to remove items if the key DEL is used.

All I found was the ShortcutListener but if I add the following listener, the DEL key does not work in the rest of my application (e.g. deleting text in a TextField):

listSelect.addShortcutListener(new ShortcutListener("", KeyCode.DELETE, null) {
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 4703134138899283799L;

        public void handleAction(Object sender, Object target) {
            // handle delete

How should I implement a listener for the DEL key?

EDIT: Tried to use a wrapper Panel as suggested in comments, but it still doesn't work. Here my current code:

listSelect = new ListSelect(null);
listSelect.setWidth(100, Unit.PERCENTAGE);
listSelect.setHeight(82, Unit.PIXELS);

listSelect.setDescription("Löschen mit der DEL Taste");
listSelect.addShortcutListener(new ShortcutListener("", KeyCode.DELETE, null) {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 4703134138899283799L;

    public void handleAction(Object sender, Object target) {
        // handle delete
Panel wrapperPanel = new Panel(listSelect);

The form is a GridLayout, the parent of form is a Panel. This panel is part of a TabSheet. I'm using Vaadin Version 7.7.1.


  • Looking at the sources (currently line 110), it seems that the action is delegated to the containing window...

     * Keeps track of the Actions added to this component; the actual
     * handling/notifying is delegated, usually to the containing window.
    private ConnectorActionManager actionManager;

    ... or parent container at least, because based on this question Select-all shortcut (Ctrl-A) in Vaadin Table? you can work around this issue. If you wrap the list select in a panel and add the short-cut listener to the panel instead, it works as expected:

    public class MyListSelectComponent extends VerticalLayout {
        public MyListSelectComponent() {
            ListSelect list = new ListSelect("Press DEL to remove items");
            TextField input = new TextField("Focus this input and press DEL to delete some text");
            input.setValue("This is some very long text, or not...");
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
            Panel panel = new Panel(list);
            panel.addShortcutListener(new ShortcutListener("", ShortcutAction.KeyCode.DELETE, null) {
                public void handleAction(Object sender, Object target) {
                    if (list.getValue() != null) {

    Actual output:

    vaadin delete key shortcut listener