Should I treat all api response as "resource" and return a JSON object or simple array would be appropriate as well ?
for instance are all of the below responses valid?
GET /rest/someresource
should return collection of ids
GET /rest/someresource?id>0
search for ids bigger than zero and return collection of ids
It is acceptable to return an array of resources - either a list of ids, or object structures - such a thing is commonly known as a 'collection' resource.
See for an examination of resources and collections.
While not required by REST, it's common to use a plural noun to refer to a collection resource - e.g.
REST also requires the use of defined media types, and there are a couple available to assist with collections, e.g.:
And many more
All provide a defined structure for including hypermedia links for your resource, or each resource in your collection - and if you are doing REST this is one of the things that the spec says you MUST do (even though many people don't).
Some more specific comments on your proposed json structures:
Option 2 is not valid json. Consider:
A json object must have a name:value pair, e.g.
would be valid - but not very useful!
Also - strictly for json, the name should be enclosed in quotes. the value may be enclosed in quotes if it is a string.
So if you don't want to use a commonly used media type as referenced above, your options are 1 or 3. which should be:
[1, 2]
Both are valid, however option 1 will give you more flexibility to add more properties to each element of the array if you decide in the future you would like to return more than an id. e.g. at some point in the future you might decide to return:
Option 3 will only ever be able to return a list of ids.
So personally I would go with option 1.