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Not able to show tags using /xoxco/jQuery-Tags-Input.*

I am trying the tagsinput plugin to work in a textarea which is inside a div that is loaded by the jquery dialog plugin call.

Plugin used is the /xoxco/jQuery-Tags-Input.

I did an initial check if the textarea element is ready. It is while before being called.

The textarea doesn't get displayed as tags by the tagsinput plugin. However when I try the same from firebug in the browser:

 $('#textarea').importTags('guava','cherry'); // this works

Code below:

jsp file:

<div id="mydialog">
<textarea name="tags" id="textareaId">

javascript file:


    modal: true,
    draggable: false,
    resizable: false,
    position: ['center', 'top'],
    show: 'blind',
    hide: 'blind',
    width: 400,
    dialogClass: 'ui-dialog-osx',
    buttons: {
        "YES": function() {

   'autocomplete_url': '',
   'autocomplete': { 
       source: ['apple','banana'],
   'defaultText':'add a tag',

Any help why?


  • $('#textarea') was not yet ready in the document before the tagsinput was called. I delayed my invocation for tagsinput and it worked Ok.