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Overriding vim keyword syntax in after/syntax file

So I am working in a javascript project. And I have some code like this: enter image description here

I am using the vim-javascript plugin and it has these lines on syntax/javascript.vim:

syntax keyword jsOperator delete instanceof typeof void new in of
syntax match   jsOperator /[\!\|\&\+\-\<\>\=\%\/\*\~\^]\{1}/

But I would like to add different syntax to these files in my after/syntax file, something like jsNew to new keyword so I could highlight it with different color. I am trying commands like this:

syntax keyword jsNew new containedin='jsOperator'

But it is not working. What would be the correct way to highlight the new keyword with no change to the syntax file that comes with the vim-javascript plugin?


  • I had success with these commands in my ../after/syntax/javascript.vim:

    syntax keyword jsNew new
    syntax cluster jsExpression add=jsNew
    hi def link jsNew Special

    now the 'new' keyword is highlighted with the color for the highlight group: Special.