I'm having a weird issue with a boolean that I'm trying to pass to my directive as an Input. For some reason angular is converting the boolean to a string despite the fact I have it typed as a boolean.
Component, as you can see background is a boolean:
export class ModalsExportComponent extends Modal {
private background: boolean = false;
Template, here I bind background to my directives input:
<label for='showBackground' cmgSharedCustomCheckbox='{{background}}'><span></span>Include Background</label>
Directive, here I define the input and set it's type as boolean, however it's converted to a string somehow:
selector: '[cmgSharedCustomCheckbox]'
export class SharedCustomCheckboxDirective implements AfterViewChecked {
@Input('cmgSharedCustomCheckbox') isChecked: boolean;
constructor( private element: ElementRef,
private renderer: Renderer ) { }
public ngAfterViewChecked(): void {
this.renderer.setElementClass(this.element.nativeElement.children[0], 'checkbox-unselected', true);
@HostListener('click') click(): void {
console.log(typeof this.isChecked);
if (this.isChecked) {
this.renderer.setElementClass(this.element.nativeElement.children[0], 'checkbox-unselected', false);
this.renderer.setElementClass(this.element.nativeElement.children[0], 'checkbox-selected', true);
You'll notice inside my click host listener I have a console log for the type of this.isChecked, which logs string. How do I get angular to respect the fact that I've told it that this value is a boolean?
As stated here,
the material between the braces is a template expression that Angular first evaluates and then converts to a string.
To bind non-string values, use
<label for='showBackground' [cmgSharedCustomCheckbox]='background'>...</label>