I am using Onsen Ui 2. In my page i created a ons-page with some divs in it. After that is my javascript which changes some of these divs by getting it with document.getElementById("mydiv").innerHTML = "Hi";
Than I get the error that the element is undefined, although it should have been loaded and there. When I paste a alert();
in front of the document.get...
it will first show the alert and than when the user clicks it away the program gets on with the code: Than the element has been loaded and the code works. How to wait for it until its loaded?
Generally to wait for the initial elements you can do:
document.getElementById("mydiv").innerHTML = "Hi";
And if you are also using some sort of navigation and want to wait for a specific page:
document.addEventListener('init', function (e) {
if (e.target.id == 'myOnsPageId') { // id of the ons-page, NOT the ons-template
// ...