I believe I am having a logical issue with how to develop the section of code responsible for taking the remainder and checking if I can extract change from displayed change categories. It's designed to take a value of how much change you owe back to someone and make the most efficient set of change to give.
My current output:
The change for 328.0 Euro cents is:
1.64 € 2
1.28 € 1
0.56 € 0.50
1.4 € 0.20
0.8 € 0.10
1.6 € 0.05
1.5 € 0.02
1.0 € 0.01
Correct output:
The change for 328 Euro cents is:
1 €2
1 €1
0 €0.50
1 €0.20
0 €0.10
1 €0.05
1 €0.02
1 €0.01
I'm pretty stumped, I'd appreciate the help, thank you.
import java.util.Scanner; // Enables user input
public class Change {
private static Scanner scnr;
public static void main(String [] args) {
scnr = new Scanner(System.in);
double changeR = 0; // User input
double oneCent = 0; // Number of one cent coins
double twoCent = 0; // Number of two cent coins
double fiveCent = 0; // Number of five cent coins
double tenCent = 0; // Number of ten cent coins
double twentyCent = 0; // Number of twenty cent coins
double fiftyCent = 0; // Number of fifty cent coins
double oneEUC = 0; // Number of one Euro cent coins
double twoEUC = 0; // Number of two Euro cent coins
System.out.println("Please enter the amount of change in Euro cents to be returned (a number between 0 & 499): ");
changeR = scnr.nextInt(); // Gathers user input
System.out.println("The change for " + changeR + " Euro cents is: "); // Outputs users inputted value
twoEUC = changeR / 200;
changeR = changeR % 200;
oneEUC = changeR / 100;
changeR = changeR % 100;
fiftyCent = changeR / 50;
changeR = changeR % 50;
twentyCent = changeR / 20;
changeR = changeR % 20;
tenCent = changeR / 10;
changeR = changeR % 10;
fiveCent = changeR / 5;
changeR = changeR % 5;
twoCent = changeR / 2;
changeR = changeR % 2;
oneCent = changeR / 1;
changeR = changeR % 1;
System.out.println( twoEUC + " \u20ac" + " 2");
System.out.println( oneEUC + " \u20ac" + " 1");
System.out.println( fiftyCent + " \u20ac" + " 0.50");
System.out.println( twentyCent + " \u20ac" +" 0.20");
System.out.println( tenCent + " \u20ac" +" 0.10");
System.out.println( fiveCent + " \u20ac" +" 0.05");
System.out.println( twoCent + " \u20ac" +" 0.02");
System.out.println( oneCent + " \u20ac" +" 0.01");
As is common when dealing with money¹, you need to deal with integers only.
Changing all your variables to int
will give you the proper values, as integer division will make sure that 238 / 200 = 1
. Instead of double division which will result in 238.0 / 200.0 = 1.19
¹ Handling money in code (as well as real life) is a difficult problem. You need to present the output in a user readable form, so you don't want to show prices as 5.0001 €
due to the problem of double imprecision, yet you don't want calculations to do "eager" rounding so the end result is off. One of the simplest ways is to take the smallest "atom", i.e. cents and deal in them only.