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New Kendo Data Source is null?

So I have an Array which is defined like this

var newArrary = Array();
for (var i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
   if (result[i].Id != TaskId) {
       newArrary.push({text:result[i].Name, value:result[i].Id})

I did a console.log and can see that the array got initialize correctly. enter image description here

I then went on to create a new data Source

 var dataSource = new{
        data: newArrary

and also check and see that it is initialize correctly

enter image description here

but when I try to set it to a dropdownlist with the setDataSource method on my drop down list it complains about Uncaught TypeError: Text.indexOf is not a function

So I did a simple and get 'undefined'. Not sure what I am doing wrong here?

UPDATE Adding more code:

How I Created/Configured the drop down

@(Html.Kendo().DropDownListFor(m => m)
              .OptionLabel(string.IsNullOrEmpty(label) ? (required && @dropDownList.Value != "0" && @dropDownList.Value != "" ? "" : " ") : label)

And how I am using the the setDatasource

setTask = function (result, taskCodeStartList, taskCodeResultLisr) {
    var selectedTaskItem = $("#" + taskStartList).data("kendoDropDownList")
    var selectedFilterTask = $("#" + taskResultLisr).data("kendoDropDownList").value()
    var newArrary = Array();

    for (var i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
        if (result[i].Id != selectedFilterTaskId) {
            newArrary.push({text:result[i].Name, value:result[i].Id})

    var dataSource = new{
        data: newArrary

    return selectedTaskCodeItem;


  • The dataTextField and dataValueField settings are with capital letters ("Text", "Value"), but the newArrary items have fields with lowercase letters (text, value). These should match, otherwise the widget will not be able to handle the new data.

    I am not sure about the

    So I did a simple and get 'undefined'.

    part, as everything else looks OK.