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Mottie Keyboard: Change focus when input field equals maxlength

I will make input automatically change focus to next input if input field equals maxlength. The input field is integrated with Mottie Keyboard. Is it possible to do this?


If Virtual Keyboard is not used, it's easy to use this code:

$("input").bind("input", function() {
        var $this = $(this);
        setTimeout(function() {
            if ( $this.val().length >= parseInt($this.attr("maxlength"),10) )

When I combine script given above with Mottie Keyboard, it doesn't work.


  • I think you also opened the issue in the repository?

    To summarize my response there, use the change callback with the switchInput API function to accomplish what you need (demo):

    HTML (example)

    <input type="text" /> <!-- max len = 3 -->
    <input type="text" /> <!-- max len = 3 -->
    <input class="last" type="text" /> <!-- max len = 4 -->


    $(function() {
        position: {
          // position under center input
          of: $("input:eq(1)"),
          // move down 12px; not sure why it doesn't line up
          my: 'center top+12',
          at: 'center top'
        enterNavigation: true,
        maxLength: 4,
        layout: 'num',
        autoAccept: true,
        usePreview: false,
        change: function(e, keyboard, el) {
          var len = keyboard.$el.hasClass("last") ? 4 : 3;
          if (keyboard.$el.val().length >= len) {
            // switchInput( goToNext, isAccepted );
            keyboard.switchInput(true, true);
          } else if (keyboard.$el.val() === "" && keyboard.last.key === "bksp") {
            // go to previous if user hits backspace on an empty input
            keyboard.switchInput(false, true);