SOLVED: Thanks to @riggsfolly for pointing me in the right direction. I should have looked at Drupal Forms API to begin with. Added an form element of type 'item' and it worked like a charm:
$form['description'] = array('#type'=> 'item', '#title'=> t('To maintain consistency across your course, use the link below to select whether you plan to grade assessments based on points or percentages.'),);
UPDATE: I should have mentioned this is a Drupal form. Sorry.
[PHP Newbie] I am working with the following code I didn't write:
function grading_method_form($form, &$form_state){
$courseId = $_SESSION['courseId'];
$gradingMethodDetails = getCourseGradingMethod($courseId);
$form = array();
$form['cid'] = array('#title'=>NULL,'#type'=>'hidden','#required'=>TRUE,'#value'=>$courseId,);
$form['grading_method'] = array('#title'=>'','#type'=>'select','#default_value'=>$gradingMethodDetails['grading_method'],'#options'=>array(0=>'Percentage',1=>'Points'),);
$form['submit'] = array('#type'=>'submit','#value'=>t('Save Grading Method'));
return $form;
What I would like to include in this very simple form is a description for users about what they are doing here. I've tried adding this:
$form .= "To maintain consistency across your course, use the link below to select whether you plan to grade assessments based on points or percentages.";
as well as tried to move the whole form into another approach I've see elsewhere where I concatenate additional lines into the form using $form .= 'My description info.';
to no avail.
All I want to do is to include a statement in the form before the select that informs the user what this is for.
is an array all you need to do is add another occurance to the array like
function grading_method_form($form, &$form_state){
$courseId = $_SESSION['courseId'];
$gradingMethodDetails = getCourseGradingMethod($courseId);
$form = array();
$form['cid'] = array('#title'=>NULL,'#type'=>'hidden','#required'=>TRUE,'#value'=>$courseId,);
$form['grading_method'] = array('#title'=>'','#type'=>'select','#default_value'=>$gradingMethodDetails['grading_method'],'#options'=>array(0=>'Percentage',1=>'Points'),);
$form['submit'] = array('#type'=>'submit','#value'=>t('Save Grading Method'));
$form['new_message'] = "To maintain consistency across your course, use the link below to select whether you plan to grade assessments based on points or percentages.";
return $form;
Of course you will then have to look at the code that deals with the result of this function and do something appropriate with this new occurance.