Is there any way to inject dependencies into manually created objects?
public class MyCommand {
@Inject Repository repository;
public Repository {
@Inject EntityManager em;
MyCommand command = new MyCommand();
Repository is properly registered the jersey ResourceConfig and can be injected in objects that are created through the CDI container for example a resource class.
But since I create the Command myself the @Inject annotation gets ignored.
Is there a way to get a registered class beside @Inject and @Context? Something like Application.get(Repository.class)
public class MyCommand {
Repository repository;
public MyCommand() {
repository = Application.get(Repository.class);
----- EDIT -----
Thanks to your help and some rethinking I found a solution for my problem.
The first thing is that it's possible to inject the ServiceLocator without any preperation into you objects.
The second thing is that I moved from normal commands with a execute method to a a command bus system. The reason for that is I have no controle over the creation of commands so there clean way to get dependencies injected.
The new approach looks like this:
class CommandBus {
private final ServiceLocator serviceLocator;
public CommandBus(ServiceLocator serviceLocator) {
this.serviceLocator = serviceLocator;
public void dispatch(Command command) {
Class handlerClass = findHandlerClassForCommand(command);
CommandHandler handler = (CommandHandler) serviceLocator.getService(handlerClass);
interface CommandHandler {
void handle(Command command);
interface Command {
class ConcreteCommand implements Command {
// I'm just a dto with getters and setters
class ConcreteHandler implements CommandHandler {
private final SomeDependency dependency;
public ConcreteHandler(SomeDependency dependency) {
this.dependency = dependency;
public void handle(ConcreteCommand command) {
// do some things
And in my resources I have something like this:
class Resource {
private CommandBus bus;
public void runCommand(ConcreteCommand command) {
As pointed out by jwells - HK2 is an injection framework :)
I spent some time looking into it - I have to say, I find it much more complicated than say guice or spring. Maybe this is due to the fact that I use Dropwizard and it makes it not as easy to access the Service locators.
However, here is how you can do that.
First, you will have to get a reference to your ServiceLocator. It must be the same ServiceLocator that jersey is using as well. You can access it for example like:
How to get HK2 ServiceLocator in Jersey 2.12?
In my example code I will use an event listener, which is due to my Dropwizard Setup.
You now have 2 choices: Register your command with your Service Locator and have the injection framework handle creation, or pass the ServiceLocator to your command in order to use it.
I wrote up a quick example using Dropwizard and jersey:
public class ViewApplication extends io.dropwizard.Application<Configuration> {
public void run(Configuration configuration, Environment environment) throws Exception {
environment.jersey().register(new ApplicationEventListener() {
public void onEvent(ApplicationEvent event) {
if (event.getType() == ApplicationEvent.Type.INITIALIZATION_FINISHED) {
ServiceLocator serviceLocator = ((ServletContainer) environment.getJerseyServletContainer())
ServiceLocatorUtilities.bind(serviceLocator, new AbstractBinder() {
protected void configure() {
bind(new Repository("test")).to(Repository.class);
MyCommandInjected service = serviceLocator.getService(MyCommandInjected.class);
MyCommandManual tmp = new MyCommandManual(serviceLocator);
public RequestEventListener onRequest(RequestEvent requestEvent) {
return null;
public void initialize(Bootstrap<Configuration> bootstrap) {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
new ViewApplication().run("server", "/home/artur/dev/repo/sandbox/src/main/resources/config/test.yaml");
public static class HelloResource {
public String test(String x) {
return "Hello";
public static class Repository {
public Repository(String something) {
public static class MyCommandInjected {
public MyCommandInjected(final Repository repo) {
System.out.println("Repo injected " + repo);
public static class MyCommandManual {
public MyCommandManual(final ServiceLocator sl) {
Repository service = sl.getService(Repository.class);
System.out.println("Repo found: " + service);
In the Run method, i get access to my ServiceLocator. I bind my classes in there (so there is an example of how to do that). You can alternatively also register Binders with jersey directly - they will use the correct ServiceLocator.
The 2 classes MyCommandInjected
and MyCommandManual
are examples of how you can create this command.
The relevant line for you is probably:
Repository service = sl.getService(Repository.class);
This asks the service locator for a new instance of the Repository.
Now, this is just a quick example. I am much more fond of the guice bridge than using HK2 directly :) I find it much easier to use and much clearer. Using the guice-jersey-bridge you can do everything through guice and it will automatically do the right thing.
Hope that brings some inside,