I have the following pattern :
Multiples threads are sending messages to a ConcurrentQueue that is polled by a single threaded Dealer in order to send messages to a Router.
The following exception is raised when multiples messages are sent :
"SocketException - A non-blocking socket operation could not be completed"
Here is the code of the thread that dequeues messages and send it to the dealer :
Task.Factory.StartNew((state) =>
using (NetMQSocket dealerSocket = new DealerSocket(_connectionString))
using (NetMQPoller poller = new NetMQPoller() { dealerSocket })
dealerSocket.ReceiveReady += DealerSocketOnReceiveReady;
while (true)
Message<T> message;
if (!_concurrentQueue.TryDequeue(out message)) continue;
_pendingRequests.Add(message.Id, message);
var mpm = new NetMQMessage(4);
}, TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning, _cancellationTokenSource.Token);
The SocketException occured when sending the MultipartMessage
I have tried to increase the SendBuffer size and/or the SendHighWatermark size but I still have the same error.
Do I need to handle this exception and reset the socket or I should never be in this case?
The dealerSocket was used in 2 threads : main & poller. In order to use the dealerSocket in only one thread we used a NetMQQueue.
More details here