I have a csv file with daily streamflow. I need to combine the daily values into monthly. I am trying to use the "daily2monthly" function of "hydroTSM" package. sample data from the BRPT2.csv:
I used the following commands:
qme<- read.csv(file = "BRPT2.csv",header = T,sep = ",") #read in csv file
date<- as.Date(qme$X_date,format("%Y-%m-%d")) #convert date column to date format from factor
flow<- qme[,3]
flow_2<-replace(flow,flow==-999,0) #replace the missing values (-999) with 0
df<- data.frame()
df<- rbind(df,data.frame(date,flow_2,stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
And it gives the following error message:
Error in
, value = c("Oct-1959", "Nov-1959", "Dec-1959", : attempt to set 'rownames' on an object with no dimensions
Could someone help me regarding this. Thanks in advance.
Try converting your df
into a zoo
object first:
z <- zoo(df[, -1], df[, 1])
daily2monthly(z, FUN=sum, dates=1)
# 1959-10-01 1959-11-01 1959-12-01 1960-01-01 1960-02-01 1960-03-01 1960-04-01
# 31440.0 411.9 1199.3 4373.0 1466.0 1904.0 741.0
The data.frame
method for daily2monthly
only works if you have more than one column of data; in your case, you only have one, which is why the function returns that error message. Let's say we had one more column of data:
df$station_3 <- sample(1:1000, nrow(df))
daily2monthly(df, FUN=sum, dates=1)
# flow_2 station_3
# Oct-1959 31440.0 132423
# Nov-1959 411.9 149305
# Dec-1959 1199.3 157622
# Jan-1960 4373.0 176413
# Feb-1960 1466.0 143373
# Mar-1960 1904.0 166102
# Apr-1960 741.0 141861