I have the following code:
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Some.class);
String[] splits=someString.split("..");
logger.info("The string was split into <{}>",splits); // prints first element
What is the right way to print the full content of an array with slf4j?
The issue is that with the following code
logger.info("The string was split into <{}>", splits);
you are invoking the method info(String format, Object... arguments)
. Note that the last argument is a varargs. Therefore, the array you pass is interpreted as each argument of the variable argument.
However, in this case, you want to pass an array as first argument. A simple workaround is to cast it to Object
String[] splits = { "foo", "bar" };
logger.info("The string was split into {}", (Object) splits);
will log The string was split into [foo, bar]
, as expected.