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ES6 angular-meteor ng-table getData function not called

I'm trying to refactor my code to ES6. I'm using angular-meteor and ng-table. Before refactoring, the data is shown on the table. However, after refactoring to ES6 syntax, the data doesn't show anymore. This is a snippet of the refactored code:

class MyController {
    constructor($scope, $reactive, NgTableParams, MyService) {



        this.myService = MyService;

            items() {
                return this.myService.getItems();
            itemTableParams() {
                const data = this.getReactively('items');

                return new NgTableParams({
                    page: 1,
                    count: 10
                }, {
                    total: data.length,
                    getData: (params) => {
                        // not called

class MyService {
    getItems() {
        return MyCollection.find({}, {
            sort: {
                dateCreated: -1

export default angular.module('MyModule', [angularMeteor, ngTable, MyService])
    .component('MyComponent', {
        controllerAs: 'ctrl',
        controller: MyController
    .service('MyService', MyService);

The const data is getting populated but getData isn't getting called. The table in the template is using ctrl.itemTableParams as the value for ng-table attribute and its ng-repeat is item in $data.

Does anyone have an idea as to why the getData function isn't called? Help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

P.S. When I try to set NgTableParams to a const tableParams, and then call the reload() function, getData is triggered. But the thing is, it's not rendering the data on the table. I set the table as:

itemTableParams() {
    const data = this.getReactively('items');
    const tableParams = new NgTableParams({
        page: 1,
        count: 10
    }, {
        total: data.length,
        getData: (params) => {


    tableParams.reload(); // triggers the getData function
    return tableParams;

<table ng-table="ctrl.itemTableParams">
    <tr ng-repeat="item in $data track by $index">

When I log the data in getData, it has items in it. But, like I said, it's not rendering in the table.


  • Apparently, you just need to return the data in getData. The old docs were using $defer.resolve and was not returning the resolved data. The current version (1.0.0) isn't using it anymore.

      items() {
        return this.myService.getItems();
      itemTableParams() {
        const data = this.getReactively('items');
        return new NgTableParams({
          page: 1,
          count: 10
        }, {
          total: data.length,
          getData: (params) => {
            const filteredData = filterData(data); // do something
            return filteredData;