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How can I get a reference to my deployed verticle after deploying it with Vertx?

I have a service called TestService which extends AbstractVerticle:

public class TestService extends AbstractVerticle {
  public void start() throws Exception {
    //Do things

I then deploy that verticle with vertx like this:

Vertx vertx = Vertx.vertx();

How can I get a reference to my deployed TestService after vertx instantiates it?


  • You should use an alternative method for deployment:

    vertx.deployVerticle(TestService.class.getName(), deployment -> {
      if (deployment.succeeded()) {
        // here is your ID
        String deploymentId = deployment.result();
      } else {
        // deployment failed...

    If you're just interested in listing all deployed verticles then you can just request the list of ids:
