I have an existing project that I'm trying to switch the CSS over to Sass but am having difficulty getting to work. I followed the tutorial here and it works, but when I try to mimic it in my project, it is not working. In the command prompt I have c:\main\sub\working\compass watch ( this is where compass is watching ). In my config.rb file ( ../working/sass ) I have:
# Require any additional compass plugins here.
#Folder settings
relative_assets = true #because we're not working from the root
project_path = "c:\main\sub\working\"
css_dir = "../test" #where the CSS will saved
sass_dir = "../sass" #where our .scss files are
# You can select your preferred output style here (can be overridden via the command line):
output_style = :expanded # After dev :compressed
# To disable debugging comments that display the original location of your selectors. Uncomment:
line_comments = true
# Obviously
preferred_syntax = :scss
So I have test.scss in the sass folder and style.css in the test folder. Compass doesn't seem to find the changes so I'm sure I have the setting wrong, but can't figure out how to change them.
Folder Structure:
You stated you're running c:\main\sub\working\compass watch
you need to cd
into the directory where the config.rb
is and run compass watch
cd c:\main\sub\working\sass
compass watch