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How to mock an EventEmitter on `createReadStream`?

I'm trying to write a test case for when an error is emitted as a result of this code:

    Bucket: mediaBucket,
    Key: mediaId,

I've got a test with a dummy S3 object, and I'm using MemoryStream to cover cases where the call is successful. How do I emit an error, so I can write a test that allows me to test the behavior in .on('error') function(error)..?

Here's what I've tried, without success:

beforeEach(function () {
   var emitter = new EventEmitter;
   const s3 = {
     getObject: () => {
       return { createReadStream: () => emitter.emit('error', new Error('Random error!')) }


  • Just emit it like you would any other event:

    stream.emit('error', new Error('Random error!'));

    So, the above code should look like:

    const s3 = {
      getObject: () => {
        return { createReadStream: () => {
          process.nextTick(function() {
            emitter.emit('error', new Error('whoops!'));
          return emitter;
        } }