Why does my SOCKS proxy code throw SocketException: Malformed reply from SOCKS server
? I've tried to set in URLConnection or other, but this doesn't work. Only thing that worked - chilkat lib, but it's commercial. So, how I, for example, make http request through a ASOCKS proxy? Maybe exist some free lib for that?
For example, that code:
SocketAddress addr = new InetSocketAddress(proxy_ip, proxy_port);
Proxy proxy = new Proxy(Proxy.Type.SOCKS, addr);
Socket socket = new Socket(proxy);
InetSocketAddress dest = new InetSocketAddress("google.com", 80);
try {
} catch (IOException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(CheckProxy.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
Throws exception:
java.net.SocketException: Malformed reply from SOCKS server
at java.net.SocksSocketImpl.readSocksReply(Unknown Source)
at java.net.SocksSocketImpl.connect(Unknown Source)
at java.net.Socket.connect(Unknown Source)
at java.net.Socket.connect(Unknown Source)
at proxychecker.CheckProxy.SocksCheck(CheckProxy.java:86)
Where line 86 is "socket.connect(dest);"
Explanation of this bug: bugs.java.com/view_bug.do?bug_id=6964547
You need to manually change mode in Socket object using this code:
Class clazzSocks = socket.getClass();
Method setSockVersion = null;
Field sockImplField = null;
SocketImpl socksimpl = null;
try {
sockImplField = clazzSocks.getDeclaredField("impl");
socksimpl = (SocketImpl) sockImplField.get(socket);
Class clazzSocksImpl = socksimpl.getClass();
setSockVersion = clazzSocksImpl.getDeclaredMethod("setV4");
if(null != setSockVersion){
sockImplField.set(socket, socksimpl);
} catch (Exception e) {