In grails 2 we were able to reference the domain object constraints in a gsp as to keep the html 5 configration dry. On grails 3 (tried both 3.1.10 and 3.2.0.RC1) I get an error for code I tested in grails 2 successfully. I am trying to reference the constraint matches in the attribute phone and use that for the HTML 5 pattern. The scaffolding use to generate this code but for Grails 3 the scaffolding generates use the fields plugin so I cannot see that code. Any ideas?
Here is the domain object code:
class Disruption {
static constraints = {
phone(matches:/^[0-9]{10}$/, nullable:true)
email(email:true, nullable:false)
String name
String phone
String email
Here is the gsp code:
<div class="form-group ${hasErrors(bean: disruption, field: 'phone', 'error')}">
<label for="phone" class="control-label col-sm-3">
<div class="col-sm-2">
<g:textField name="phone" style="width: 7em" class="form-control" title="Phone 10 digits" pattern="${}" maxlength="10" placeholder="##########" value="${}"/>
Here is the exception:
URI /disruption/create Class java.lang.NullPointerException Message Request processing failed; nested exception is org.grails.gsp.GroovyPagesException: Error processing GroovyPageView: [views/disruption/create.gsp:92] Error executing tag : Error evaluating expression [] on line [58]: Cannot get property 'phone' on null object Caused by Cannot get property 'phone' on null object
Domain Objects need to use the constrainedProperties and Command Object need to use the constraintsMap see examples below.
<g:textField name="phone" style="width: 7em" class="form-control" title="Phone 10 digits" pattern="${}" maxlength="10" placeholder="##########" value="${disruption?.phone}"/>
OR for Command Objects
<g:textField name="phone" style="width: 7em" class="form-control" title="Phone 10 digits" pattern="${}" maxlength="10" placeholder="##########" value="${searchCommand?.phone}"/>