I am not able to draw/fill vertical portion in my chart, like it is shown in this example: http://services.mbi.ucla.edu/jqplot/examples/draw-rectangles.html. As I know, x-axis should be numeric and in my graph I have x-axises are strings.
I draw my plot:
plot2 = $.jqplot('chartplot'+index, [s3], {
seriesDefaults: {
renderer :$.jqplot.BarRenderer,
pointLabels: { show: true },
rendererOptions: {shadow:false }
series: [{label:"Average Fu - "+single_legend_lbl+""}],
legend: {
show: true,
placement: 'insideGrid'
axesDefaults: {
tickRenderer: $.jqplot.CanvasAxisTickRenderer ,
tickOptions: { formatString: '%#d' }
axes: {
xaxis: {
renderer: $.jqplot.CategoryAxisRenderer,
ticks: ticks,
tickOptions: {
angle: -90,
fontSize: '10pt',
seriesColors: [bar_color],
canvasOverlay: {
show: true,
objects: [
{ rectangle: { xmin: 'Silver Fu', xmax: 'Light Green Fu', xminOffset: "0px", xmaxOffset: "0px", yminOffset: "0px", ymaxOffset: "0px",
color: "rgba(0, 200, 200, 0.3)", showTooltip: true, tooltipFormatString: "Holidays" } },
Attached/linked is my rendered graph and I want color my graph into three section as per line: my rendered graph
Viewing your graph I assume your data is similar to this:
var s3 = [['one', 2], ['two', 15], ['three', 1]];
Indeed you need to input the rectangle numeric limits, and you have string
based x-axis values. What you can do is take the original s3
array and create a new array containing only the first column: ['one, 'two', three']
, you can use the below function to do it (read more about 'Get column from a two-dimensional array in JavaScript'):
function arrayColumn(arr, n) {
return arr.map(x=> x[n]);
var firstcolumnArray = arrayColumn(s3, 0)
After creating firstcolumnArray
, you can use it with .indexOf()
function to map your string value into the corresponding numeric value which will be used as the rectangle border, like this:
{rectangle: {
name: 'stddev',
xmin: firstcolumnArray.indexOf('one')+1,
xmax: firstcolumnArray.indexOf('two')+1,
color: 'rgba(150,150,150,0.3)',
shadow: false
Here is a working jsfiddle example, with an exact implementation of the above.