I am on rails3, and Turbo-links causes the link for zendesk to not work.
I was using zendesk script and that was not loading on next page and then I have used script that mentioned here. It seems working fine on chrome, but on Firefox and Safari, its still causing problem.
I have included below lines into my layout:
= javascript_include_tag 'zendesk', 'data-turbolinks-track' => true
document.addEventListener('page:change', zendesk_web_widget());
and zendesk_web_widget() is function that loading widget.
I have searched around web and found some solutions but not working at all:
Any anyone has any idea then please let me know.
You are passing the return value of the function zendesk_web_widget
to the listener, not the function itself. So instead of calling the function (with ()
), try passing the function:
document.addEventListener('page:change', zendesk_web_widget);
Or, making a wrapper function for it:
document.addEventListener('page:change', function () { zendesk_web_widget(); });
And since you're using jQuery, why not make the code use jQuery.
$(document).on('page:change', zendesk_web_widget);