I have made a directive for highmaps using angular, map is getting rendered. I need to pass the final configured object back to controller. Hence i am assigning like this in directive,
$timeout(function() {
scope.mapconfigured = mapConfig;
Initially i defined the controller like this,
app.controller('mainCtrl', function($scope, DB) {
$scope.mydata = DB.getStatesData();
$scope.mapconfigured = {};
But the mapconfigured variable is not getting updated inside the directive and also the controller is not printing what i exactly needed.
I am also initially assigning the mapconfigured variable to the directive
<my-map mapconfigured="mapconfigured" mydata="mydata" header="'Highmap Demo'"></my-map>
what is the issue here? Here is the APPLICATION
I need to assign the mapConfig object to mapconfigured variable of scope inside my controller.
As Ivan mentioned in comments it was a typo , scope variable i declared in the controller as 'mapconfigured' but in directive i assigned to 'mapConfigured', changing like this worked
<my-map mapconfigured="mapconfigured" mydata="mydata" header="'Highmap Demo'"></my-map>
$timeout(function() {
scope.mapconfigured = mapConfig;