I have used the spreadsheet provided here to create a ribbon and it worked great as long as it was all about assigning macros to the buttons. However, I wanted to include configuration details in a group of the tab to make it visible all the time without consuming excel sheet real estate. Here is the to-be state: Group in the custom tab
I have a small macro to select environment and identify the values of various fields shown in the image. Here is what the code looks like:
Sub Change_Configuration()
Dim ConfigButton As Object
Dim Labeling As String
Environment = "PROD"
If Environment = "QAS" Then
SourceSystem = "ABC"
TargetSystem = "DEF"
SourceSchema = "EFG"
TargetSchema = "GHI"
ElseIf Environment = "PROD" Then
SourceSystem = "IJK"
TargetSystem = "JKL"
SourceSchema = "LMN"
TargetSchema = "NOP"
End If
GetLabel ConfigButton, Labeling 'I do not know what to do here
End Sub
I know that Get Label is the way to do it but I just do not have any clue as to how to achieve what I want to achieve. My current GetLabel callback works fine when I open the excel file and populates default values correctly (The IF part). I tried to include "Else" part to update label but it just does not work.
Original Code:
Sub GetLabel(ByVal control As IRibbonControl, ByRef Labeling)
Select Case control.ID
Case "CustomTab": Labeling = "TEST_RIBBON"
Case "GroupE": Labeling = "Configuration Details"
Case "eButton01": Labeling = "Change Environment"
Case "eButton02": Labeling = "Selected Environment" & " - " & "QAS"
Case "eButton03": Labeling = "Source System" & " - " & "ABC"
Case "eButton04": Labeling = "Source Schema" & " - " & "DEF"
Case "eButton05": Labeling = "Target System" & " - " & "GHI"
Case "eButton06": Labeling = "Target Schema" & " - " & "IJK"
End Select
End Sub
When I open the excel, all labels have values as defined above.
Below is the Modified code (unsuccessful effort to modify to change the label based on Change_Configuration Macro). Please note that modified code also does not throw any error when my workbook is opened and displays values correctly.
Sub GetLabel(ByVal control As IRibbonControl, ByRef Labeling)
If Environment = vbNullString Then
Select Case control.ID
Case "CustomTab": Labeling = "My Tab"
Case "GroupE": Labeling = "Configuration Details"
Case "eButton01": Labeling = "Change Environment"
Case "eButton02": Labeling = "Selected Environment" & " - " & "QAS"
Case "eButton03": Labeling = "Source System" & " - " & "ABC"
Case "eButton04": Labeling = "Source Schema" & " - " & "DEF"
Case "eButton05": Labeling = "Target System" & " - " & "EFG"
Case "eButton06": Labeling = "Target Schema" & " - " & "GHI"
End Select
Select Case ConfigButton
Case "eButton02": Labeling = "Selected Environment" & " - " & Environment
Case "eButton03": Labeling = "Source System" & " - " & SourceSystem
Case "eButton04": Labeling = "Source Schema" & " - " & SourceSchema
Case "eButton05": Labeling = "Target System" & " - " & TargetSystem
Case "eButton06": Labeling = "Target Schema" & " - " & TargetSchema
End Select
End If
End Sub
Your help is greatly appreciated.
Solved it - Had to include onload call back for Ribbon after adjusting XML and then Invalidate function.