I want to use a datetimeaxis for the Y-axis of an Oxyplot heatmapseries (in winforms). The API allows me to add the axis to the PlotModel, but does not do much good since the y-value is mapped off of the integral column index of a matrix of doubles - the y values come out to around Jan. 1900.
How can I use times for the y data on the heat map?
The workaround to make this happen is not too difficult. When setting up the chart, create 2 axes: one for the time, and another for the integral index of the HeatMapSeries input.
DateTimeAxis dateTimeAxis;
HeatMapSeries series;
//set up the time axis for y
dateTimeAxis = new DateTimeAxis();
dateTimeAxis.Position = AxisPosition.Left;
dateTimeAxis.Key = "dateTimeAxis";
//set up a shadow axis for the HeatMapSeries
var linearAxis = new LinearAxis();
linearAxis.Position = AxisPosition.Left;
linearAxis.Key = "linearAxis";
series.YAxisKey = linearAxis.Key;
Next, the assigned y-axis will have to be hidden - but we can't access the YAxis property until the plot has been updated:
//hide the linear axis
plotModel.Updated += (sender, e) =>
series.YAxis.IsAxisVisible = false;
Finally, when setting the heat map data, simply create the desired mapping from the matrix index to time. Then adjust the y-scale. For example:
public void UpdateData(double[,] data)
series.Data = data;
//adjust date/time axis
int numOfMinutes = data.GetLength(1);
dateTimeAxis.Minimum = DateTimeAxis.ToDouble(DateTime.Now);
dateTimeAxis.Maximum DateTimeAxis.ToDouble(DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(numOfMinutes));
I have not yet seen a way to do this directly in OxyPlot