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Genson: Handling child's properties while using RuntimePropertyFilter

For my Genson configuration I used UrlQueryParamFilter. And it works, but not as I expected.
My entities:

public class Root {
    private String firstRootProp;
    private String secondRootProp;
    private List<Child> childs;

    //getters & setters

public class Child {
    private String firstChildProp;
    private String secondChildProp;

    //getters & setters

"rootEntity" endpoint binded to getting some Root instatnce in my rest service. When I get http://<host>/myservice/rootEntity?filter=childs I excpected will get the all childs with all child's properties. But actually I got child's structure only:

    "childs": [

And what I want to get:

    "childs": [
            "firstChildProp": "Some value for first property",
            "secondChildProp": "And some value for second property"
            "firstChildProp": "Some value for first property",
            "secondChildProp": "And some value for second property"

How can I fix it?


  • The UrlQueryParamFilter expects you to provide the name of all the properties you want to include (or exclude if configured to exclude properties). So in short doing http://<host>/myservice/rootEntity?filter=childs,firstChildProp,secondChildProp should work.

    I guess it could make sense to provide a way to configure the inclusion of all child properties, I opened this issue