I'm using ember-i18n
lib for Internationalisation and want to save current locale in route like:
- empty for default en
, doman.com/de
- for another
For this I tried to use rootURL
rootURL: '/' ('es' or 'de')
Problem: When rootURL
is not empty, app can't redirect and fail with error: ember.debug.js:4903 Uncaught Error: Assertion Failed: Path / does not start with the provided rootURL /es/
Question: What is the best solution to make redirect, all logic will be hold in emebr so I can't move this logic into nginx and etc.
Another option is Make a wrapper route, looks like this:
'lang', { path: '/:lang' }, function (){..}
This solution looks like not good:
helper will require lang
can't be empty (for default language)UPDATE: I understand how to dynamic change rootURL, but can't auto redirect.
Found the solution, describe this logic in instance-initializer
export function initialize(app) {
var router = app.lookup('router:main');
var i18n = app.lookup('service:i18n');
var path = window.location.pathname;
var currentLang = ENV.i18n.defaultLocale;
var newPath = '';
var LangFromPath = path.match('^/([a-z]{2})(?:/|$)');
if (LangFromPath && LangFromPath[1]){
currentLang = (ENV.i18n.allowedLocales.indexOf(LangFromPath[1]) > -1) ? LangFromPath[1] : currentLang;
if (currentLang != ENV.i18n.defaultLocale) {
var newPath = '/' + currentLang + '/';
router.rootURL = newPath;
i18n.set('locale', currentLang);
if (newPath && path.indexOf(newPath) === -1) {
window.location.pathname = newPath;