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Unit testing methods on another thread

public class Composer
    private Task _ComposerTask;    
    private ConcurrentQueue<IValue> _Values;   
    public bool IsConnected { get; }

    // Other dependencies
    private IClient _Client;
    private IWriter _Writer

    public Task async ConnectAsync()
        this.IsConnected = await _Client.ConnectAsync();
        _ComposerTask = Task.Run(() => this.Start());

    private void Start()
            IValue value;
            if(_Values.TryDequeue(out value) == false)


    public void Send(IValue value)

When connected successfully Composer class execute Start method asynchronously(on another thread).
Start method check queue of values and send it forward if value exists.

My problem in testing a Send method.

public void Send_ValidMessage_ExecuteWriteMethodWithGivenValue()
    // Arrange
    var fakeValue = Mock.Create<IValue>();
    var fakeWriter = Mock.Create<IWriter>();
    var fakeClient = Mock.Create<IClient>();

    Mock.Arrange(() => fakeClient.ConnectAsync().Returns(CompletedTask);

    var composer = new Composer(fakeClient, fakeWriter);

    // for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
    // {
    //     composer.Send(Mock.Create<IValue>());
    // }


    // Act

    // Assert
    Mock.Assert(() => fakeWriter.Write(fakeValue), Occurs.Once());

With commented for loop test passed. But if for loop executed and inner queue will be filled with even 10 values before expected value added, then test fails with message: expected at least once, but occurs 0 times.

As I understand assertion occurs before value was queued by another thread, but how this kind of behavior can be tested?


  • My solution which I came up with is redesign Composer class or to be more specific change Send method to asynchronous:

    public Task SendAsync(IValue value)

    Idea behind is return Task which will completes when given value composed forward on "background" thread.

    Unit test only need to await until task completed and assert proper execution.

    public async Task SendAsync_ValidMessage_ExecuteWriteMethodWithGivenValue()
        // Arrange
        var composer = TestFactory.GenerateComposer();
        // var tasks = new List<Task>();
        // for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
        // {
        //     tasks.Add(composer.SendAsync(Mock.Create<IValue>()));
        // }
        await composer.ConnectAsync();
        // Act
        await composer.SendAsync(fakeValue);
        // Assert
        Mock.Assert(() => fakeWriter.Write(fakeValue), Occurs.Once());

    My original unit test wasn't successful even without extra values added in for loop. Test failed occasionally if it was ran multiply times. I think the reason is "unpredictable" work of thread pool.

    I am still not sure how to deal with the Task which need to run during full lifetime of the instance where it was started, but this will be another question.