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Android: Get mobile hardware information

I am working on app which tells the user about Device. I go through many questions on SO but didn't find the answer. I want to find

  • Model Number
  • Android Version

  • Base band Version

  • Kernel Version

  • Build number

  • RAM of my Mobile.

    I would really appreciate any kind of help regarding this Thankx.


  • I was using this on my code, so I put all:

    Log.i("TAG", "SERIAL: " + Build.SERIAL);
    Log.i("TAG","MODEL: " + Build.MODEL);
    Log.i("TAG","ID: " + Build.ID);
    Log.i("TAG","Manufacture: " + Build.MANUFACTURER);
    Log.i("TAG","brand: " + Build.BRAND);
    Log.i("TAG","type: " + Build.TYPE);
    Log.i("TAG","user: " + Build.USER);
    Log.i("TAG","BASE: " + Build.VERSION_CODES.BASE);
    Log.i("TAG","SDK  " + Build.VERSION.SDK);
    Log.i("TAG","BOARD: " + Build.BOARD);
    Log.i("TAG","BRAND " + Build.BRAND);
    Log.i("TAG","HOST " + Build.HOST);
    Log.i("TAG","Version Code: " + Build.VERSION.RELEASE);