I am using Jackson v2.8.2 to serialise JSON to a file.
I have created a custom serializer and implemented the serialize
method to customise the JSON output as required.
I am invoking the serializer as follows:
// myClass is the object I want to serialize
SimpleModule module = new SimpleModule();
module.addSerializer(MyClass.class, new MySerializer());
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper().enable(SerializationFeature.INDENT_OUTPUT);
mapper.writeValue(new File("json.txt"), myClass);
catch (JsonProcessingException e)
The JSON file is created and the content looks good.
The file is formatted according to the DefaultPrettyPrinter
but I want to use my own custom PrettyPrinter
, which I have already implemented.
How do I do that?
I've tried the following:
MyPrettyPrinter myPrettyPrinter = new MyPrettyPrinter();
mapper.writeValue(new File("json.txt"), myClass);
but that isn't invoking my custom printer.
The reason for this is that the invocation of writer returns a new instance of the ObjectWriter. In fact, ObjectMapper has a lot of factory methods that construct new objects for you to work with.
The sourcecode from ObjectMapper:
* Factory method for constructing {@link ObjectWriter} that will
* serialize objects using specified pretty printer for indentation
* (or if null, no pretty printer)
public ObjectWriter writer(PrettyPrinter pp) {
if (pp == null) { // need to use a marker to indicate explicit disabling of pp
pp = ObjectWriter.NULL_PRETTY_PRINTER;
return _newWriter(getSerializationConfig(), /*root type*/ null, pp);
So for you that means, that you should change your code to:
MyPrettyPrinter myPrettyPrinter = new MyPrettyPrinter();
ObjectWriter myWriter = mapper.writer(myPrettyPrinter);
myWriter.writeValue(new File("json.txt"), myClass);
Note the assignment to myWriter so that you are using the correct writer when calling writeValue
Here is an example using the ObjectMapper and the default pretty printer:
public class OMTest {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
// test string
String json = " {\"a\" : \"b\", \"c\" : \"d\" } ";
// mapper
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
// json tree
JsonNode tree = mapper.readTree(json);
// the objectWriter assigned with a pretty printer
ObjectWriter myWriter = mapper.writer(new DefaultPrettyPrinter());
// print without pretty printer (using mapper)
// print with writer (using the pretty printer)
This prints:
"a" : "b",
"c" : "d"
Where the first line uses the mapper, while the second print uses the writer.