I have an error in the console every time I'm deleting an item (List) in my Meteor application. The error in the console is:
domrange.js:337 Uncaught Error: Must be attached
Here is the function, I can't understand where come from this error:
'lists.remove'(listId) {
check(listId, String);
const list = Lists.findOne(listId);
if (list.owner !== this.userId) {
throw new Meteor.Error('not-authorized');
Tasks.remove({"listId": listId});
All is working properly in the application but do you know where this error can come from ?
Ps: I'm using Blaze if it can help
It seems I found the solution adding a Meteor.isServer or better if (!this.isSimulation) (@MasterAM solution):
'lists.remove'(listId) {
check(listId, String);
const list = Lists.findOne(listId);
if (list.owner !== this.userId) {
throw new Meteor.Error('not-authorized');
if (!this.isSimulation) {
Tasks.remove({"listId": listId});
I edited the working code with the help of @MasterAM It'w working now! No Console error anymore.