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MongoSocketReadException: Prematurely reached end of stream (after a period of inactivity)

I get this error on a find call (default Java Driver) after a period of inactivity. I tried to add a manual heartbeat (writing to a capped collection), but it didn't help. I only get the issue while being connected to an instance on compose (i.e. not in a local context).

MongoDB version is 3.2.8, latest driver (3.3), using Java 8.

Any idea ?


  • I agree with Rhangaun's answer here is my solution in code of JAVA:

        public static DB getMongoDB() {
            MongoClientOptions.Builder builder = new MongoClientOptions.Builder();
            //build the connection options  
            builder.maxConnectionIdleTime(60000);//set the max wait time in (ms)
            MongoClientOptions opts =;
            char[] password2 = "mypassword".toCharArray();
            MongoCredential credential2 = MongoCredential.createCredential("username", "databasename",password2);
            //add your option to the connection 
            MongoClient mongoClient = new MongoClient(new ServerAddress("server ip",27017), Arrays.asList(credential2),opts);
            //use your database 
            cachedDb = mongoClient.getDB("databasename");
        return cachedDb;

    Here is my research link:

    Hope it helps you.