I have 2 TextBoxes. i made my own keyboard so the user uses my keyboard and its etrxa buttons. but when i tap on the textbox to type in it the phone keyboard on my phone emulator pops up. I tried the "PreventKeyboardDisplayOnProgrammaticFocus" but i read that it is only to disable it when the program itself chooses a textbox.
I read that the InputPane can help me disable it but i can't understand how to use it and can't find a way to do it anywhere else.
Can somebody help me i just want the keyboard disabled for specific textboxes or the whole page so when i tap on the textbox it won't pop up.
UPDATE: okay i managed after a lot of thought to do it for my app, i set both the textboxes xaml
<TextBox IsReadOnly="True" />
so now the keyboard won't show up for that textbox since i "don't want to right" then my buttons depending on 2 flags that indicate wich TextBox is focused they will wright there. But still if someone knows how to disable the keyboard completely it could help, if i am not mistaken on android there is such a thing as disable keyboard for this textbox.
You can use the TextBox.PreventKeyboardDisplayOnProgrammaticFocus property but you also need to change the focus of your Textbox to Programmatic.
A simple example is:
<TextBox x:Name="myTextBox" PreventKeyboardDisplayOnProgrammaticFocus="True"/>
public MainPage()
timer = new DispatcherTimer();
timer.Interval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500);
timer.Tick += delegate
catch { }