Hi I am working on a vaadin application integrating the vaadin app in the application UI . The image is :
the Scroll bar is up and grid is below.
For setting a grid i have tried setSizeFull()
and layout.setSizeUndefined()
but it's not working for the grid..
this happens when i add object of BeanItemContainer to the grid.
BeanItemContainer<Partner> container = new BeanItemContainer<Partner>(Partner.class, model.getPartnerList());
Grid grid = new Grid();
grid.getColumn("lastname").setHeaderCaption("Last Name");
grid.getColumn("name").setHeaderCaption("First Name");
return layout;
I have had this error too.
A developer who compiled the theme when project started had
$v-included-components: remove($v-included-components, grid);
in the theme scss file.
Please comment this line out or remove the line completely and try again