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Max Heapify issue

I have been trying to debug this code for hours. I don't know why it is not rearranging the terms. I have tried everything I can think of. Can someone help? Thanks.

public void heapify(int i)  // utility routine to percolate down from index i
    int left, r, min;
    Process tmp;

    left = lchild(i);           // left child
    r = rchild(i);                  // right child

    if(left < size() && A[left].compareTo(A[i])<0)      // find smallest child
        min = left;                 // save index of smaller child
        min = i;

    if(r < size() && A[r].compareTo(A[min])<0)
        min = r;                // save index of smaller child

    if(min != i)                // swap and percolate, if necessary
        tmp = A[i];             // exchange values at two indices
        A[i] = A[min];
        A[min] = tmp;

        // call heapify
    }// end if
}// end method heapify

private int lchild(int i) {
    return 2 * i + 1;

private int rchild(int i) {
    return 2 * i + 2;

Even when I call heapify on every element of the heap it doesn't work :/ Here is the compareTo. It is supposed to arrange max heap using priority first then if there is a tie it goes to a unique time arrived value.

public int compareTo(Process o) {
    int val;
    if (this.priority > o.getPriority()) {
        val = -1;
    } else if (this.priority == o.getPriority()) {
        if (this.arrivalTime < o.getArrivalTime()) { //Earlier time
            val = -1;
        } else {
            val = 1;
    } else {
        val = 1;

    return val;


  • The fastest known way to organize an array into a heap is called Floyd's Algorithm. You start at the middle of the array and move towards the root, sifting each item down as required. In your case:

    for (int i = size()/2; i >= 0; --i)

    You should be able to call the heapify function that you supplied.

    To see how this works, take a look at