I have a web api project which accepts HttpPost communications.
The controller's methods always accepting a single validated object.
For example:
public sealed class NumbersRequest
public string Number1 { get; set; }
public string Number2 { get; set; }
Since I never declare NumbersRequest req = new NumbersRequest()
and they only serve as a request object, Im getting the
class is never instantiated
How can I suppress the warning? (its more like a green underline..) Maybe something with annontations?
This looks like a ReSharper warning and as such you can ask ReSharper to be silent about these things.
You can either configure ReSharper to stop complaining about this overall, you do this simply by hitting Alt+Enter on the squiggly in question and use the bottom menu item that usually allows you to configure the inspection severity.
You can opt to save this in your global settings, which means it will affect every project you open from now on, or you can save it to a team-shared settings file which you can then check into source control alongside your project, to make it only count for this one solution.
Now, if you want to keep the warning overall but ask it to stop complaining about one or more particular types, methods, properties or the likes, you can use the attributes that ReSharper provides.
You have several ways of bringing these attributes into your project:
The recommended way is option 1, use the nuget package.
Assuming you now have the attributes available you can use either PublicAPIAttribute
or the UsedImplicitlyAttribute
Either one should suffice but they may have different connotations. Since you're flagging objects being transferred to or from clients I would go with the PublicAPIAttribute
Since you say in a comment that the PublicAPIAttribute
didn't work but UsedImplicitlyAttribute
did then I guess they do have different meanings.