This code, located on the player, reacts to a button press in a menu and the idea is when pressing the button "btn_MenuKill" the first time it become orange and the next time it change the color back to original yellow and do "print ("FIRE THE PROCESS")", in a SyncVar Hook "void ProcessKillObject(bool _MP_Orange) {".
Here is the situation/problem:
Start host in Editor
1) Click button on host-client (editor) = [Command] works
2) Click button on remote-client = Does not work, do not fire off the [Command]
Start host in generated "remote" client
1) Click button on host-client = [Command] works
2) Click button on remote-client = [Command] works
I do not understand why the [Command] does not work when the host is on the editor and i use the button on the remote.
Here is the code:
[SyncVar(hook = "ProcessKillObject")] public bool MP_KillOrange = false;
[SyncVar(hook = "MoveMainMenu")] public bool MP_MainMenu;
private NetworkIdentity objNetId;
private Color32 yellowButtonColor = new Color32 (200, 200, 2, 255);
private Color32 orangeButtonColor = new Color32 (255, 96, 0, 255);
public void Btn_Kill() {
if (!isLocalPlayer)
foreach (string objectTag in MP_Singleton.Instance.master_Object_List) {
GameObject dummy = GameObject.Find (objectTag);
Cmd_LocalAuthority (true, dummy);
Cmd_ProcessKill ();
// SyncVar Hook
void ProcessKillObject(bool _MP_Orange) {
if (_MP_Orange) {
GameObject.Find ("btn_MenuKill").GetComponent<Button> ().image.color = orangeButtonColor;
} else if (!_MP_Orange) {
GameObject.Find ("btn_MenuKill").GetComponent<Button> ().image.color = yellowButtonColor;
[Command] //>>>>>> THIS IS NOT TRIGGERED
void Cmd_ProcessKill() {
// >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
GameObject.Find ("MyText").GetComponent<Text> ().text = "HIT"; // TO SEE THAT THE COMMAD TRIGGER
if (MP_KillOrange)
MP_MainMenu = !MP_MainMenu;
MP_KillOrange = !MP_KillOrange;
void Cmd_LocalAuthority(bool getAuthority, GameObject obj) {
objNetId = obj.GetComponent<NetworkIdentity> (); // get the object's network ID
if (getAuthority) {
objNetId.AssignClientAuthority (connectionToClient); // assign authority to the player
} else {
objNetId.RemoveClientAuthority (connectionToClient); // remove the authority from the player
I added RPC and then it works.
void Rpc_Position(GameObject myGO, float ranX, float ranY, int zDepth, float twist) {
myGO.transform.position = new Vector3 (ranX, ranY, zDepth);
myGO.transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(0f, 0f, twist);