This is my script:
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(event) {
var START_DATE_1 = new Date("July 18, 2016 10:30:00"); // put in the starting date here
var INTERVAL_1 = 3; // in seconds
var INCREMENT_1 = 1; // increase per tick
var START_VALUE_1 = 0; // initial value when it's the start date
var count_1 = 0;
var msInterval_1 = INTERVAL_1 * 1000;
var now_1 = new Date();
count_1 = parseInt((now_1 - START_DATE_1)/msInterval_1) * INCREMENT_1 + START_VALUE_1;
document.getElementById('counter_1').innerHTML = count_1;
setInterval("count_1 += INCREMENT_1; document.getElementById('counter_1').innerHTML = count_1;", msInterval_1);
I've placed it inside a Joomla module. Firebug says: "ReferenceError: count_1 is not defined"
Why? How can I solve it?
You should pass a function instead of a string to the setInterval
call. When you pass a string, it is executed in the global scope, and count_1
variable exists only in the scope of the callback function passed to addEventListener
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(event) {
var START_DATE_1 = new Date("July 18, 2016 10:30:00"); // put in the starting date here
var INTERVAL_1 = 3; // in seconds
var INCREMENT_1 = 1; // increase per tick
var START_VALUE_1 = 0; // initial value when it's the start date
var count_1 = 0;
var msInterval_1 = INTERVAL_1 * 1000;
var now_1 = new Date();
count_1 = parseInt((now_1 - START_DATE_1)/msInterval_1) * INCREMENT_1 + START_VALUE_1;
document.getElementById('counter_1').innerHTML = count_1;
setInterval(function() {
count_1 += INCREMENT_1;
document.getElementById('counter_1').innerHTML = count_1;
}, msInterval_1);