When creating new user in Vtiger CRM lot of predefined settings (time zone, currency, etc.) are wrong form specific company setup. But I was unable to find info how to change in settings, nor with script, without getting too deep into file structure.
Is it possible (and how)?
To change the default value during entity creation, you need to change the order of values by setting the first value you want. In vTiger each picklist has the values store in a table for example vtiger_time_zone for time_zone. If, for example, you want to set the time zone to "Europe/Amsterdam" you need to find the corresponding value of the key field time_zoneid through query
SELECT * FROM vtiger_time_zone where time_zone = "Europe/Amsterdam"
In my case the corresponding time_zoneid returned by the query is 44.
At this point, it is necessary to change the sort order of the new desidered default value by excuting the query
UPDATE `vtiger_time_zone` SET sortorderid` = '0' WHERE `vtiger_time_zone`.`time_zoneid` = 44;
Finally, it is necessary that to move to the second position the option with time_zone = "Pacific/Midway" (time_zoneid = 1) by executing query
UPDATE `vtiger_time_zone` SET sortorderid` = '1' WHERE `vtiger_time_zone`.`time_zoneid` = 1;
Thew default currency value, instead, is given by the default value stored in $currency_name in config.inc.php and setted during the installation.