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How to make a dialog in IOS which allows jumping directly to Settings screen

In my application I want to create a dialog which has a button to jump directly to the IOS Settings page. I think this was possible in 5.0 but it seems that Apple has removed this functionality. Is there is a new set of APIs which allow this in 5.1+?

The old way to do this is described in this link, but I think this is not supported in 5.1+


  • If it's really removed in iOS 5.1, and there's no URL scheme registered for the Settings app, then it's not possible using official APIs. However, if using non-official APIs is an option, then you can use the SpringBoardServices framework:

    int SBSLaunchApplicationWithIdentifier(CFStringRef displayIdentifier, Boolean suspended);

    is a function dedicated to open applications. You can use it like this:

    SBSLaunchApplicationWithIdentifier(CFSTR(""), false);

    Hope this helps.