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JS Centre-Zeroed Gauge Chart

I've been using Highcharts for a web app I've been building and they've proved great so far. But now I've been tasked to create a gauge for some data that looks like this:


And I cannot find any charting library that makes a nice render of a centred zeroed gauge (that fills from the centre to where the needle swings).

Does anyone have any recommendations on libraries or custom implementations?

(P.S. that example gauge that I need to base it on is from a PDF report, so no chance of reverse engineering anything)


  • Here is something you can play around with:

    This is done combining these two:


      $(function () {
       var settings = {
      gaugeMinValue : 0,
      gaugeMaxValue : 8000,
      gaugeStartValue : 3000,
      gaugeStartAngle : -90,
      gaugeEndAngle : 90,
      gaugeUpdateInterval : 500 // ms
      var options = {
      tooltip : {
        enabled : false
      chart : {
        type : 'gauge',
        backgroundColor : 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)',
        plotBackgroundColor : null,
        plotBackgroundImage : null,
        plotBorderWidth : 0,
        plotShadow : false,
        spacing : [5, 30, 5, 30],
        style : {
          fontSize : '1em'
      title : false,
      pane : {
        startAngle : settings.gaugeStartAngle,
        endAngle : settings.gaugeEndAngle,
        background : {
          backgroundColor : 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)',
          borderWidth : 0,
          innerRadius : '60%',
          outerRadius : '100%',
          shape : 'arc'
      plotOptions : {
        gauge : {
          /*dial: {
           radius: 0
           pivot: {
           radius: 0
          dataLabels : {
            borderWidth : 0,
            padding : 0,
            verticalAlign : 'middle',
            style : false,
            formatter : function () {
              var output = '<div class="gauge-data">';
              output += '<span class="gauge-value">' + this.y + '</span>';
              output += '</div>';
              return output;
            useHTML : true
        pie : {
          dataLabels : {
            enabled : true,
            distance : -10,
            style : false
          startAngle : settings.gaugeStartAngle,
          endAngle : settings.gaugeEndAngle,
          center : ['50%', '50%'],
          states : {
            hover : {
              enabled : false
      // the value axis
      yAxis : {
        offset : 0,
        min : settings.gaugeMinValue,
        max : settings.gaugeMaxValue,
        title : false,
        minorTickWidth : 0,
        tickPixelInterval : 30,
        tickWidth : 2,
        tickPosition : 'outside',
        tickLength : 14,
        tickColor : '#ccc',
        lineColor : '#ccc',
        labels : {
          distance : 28,
          rotation : "0",
          step : 2,
        plotBands : [{
          thickness : 10,
          outerRadius : "112%",
          from : 0,
          to : 2500,
          color : '#FB8585' // red
        }, {
          thickness : 10,
          outerRadius : "112%",
          from : 2500,
          to : 5500,
          color : '#F9E7AE' // yellow,
        }, {
          thickness : 10,
          outerRadius : "112%",
          from : 5500,
          to : 8000,
          color : '#83DAD9' // green
      series : [{
        type : 'gauge',
        data : [settings.gaugeStartValue],
      }, {
        type : 'pie',
        innerSize : '87%',
        data : [{
          y : settings.gaugeStartValue,
          name : "",
          color : "#0bbeba"
        }, {
          y : settings.gaugeMaxValue - settings.gaugeStartValue,
          name : '',
          color : "#666666"
      navigation : {
        buttonOptions : {
          enabled : false
      credits : false
      $('#gauge1').highcharts(options, buildGraph);
      function buildGraph(chart) {
      if (!chart.renderer.forExport) {
        setInterval(function () {
          var gaugePoint = chart.series[0].points[0],
            piePoint = chart.series[1],
            inc = Math.round((Math.random() - 0.5) * 1500);
          newVal = gaugePoint.y + inc;
          if (newVal < settings.gaugeMinValue || newVal > settings.gaugeMaxValue) {
            newVal = gaugePoint.y - inc;
          // Update number gauge value
          // Update pie with current value
          piePoint.points[1].update(settings.gaugeMaxValue - newVal);
        }, settings.gaugeUpdateInterval);