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How can I set up rails sunspot solr production on debian 8?

I have two rails web applications with sunspot solr.

They works very well in development environment ( starting solr with rake sunspot:solr:start ), but in production environment I would like to install a separated multicore solr service using both of the rails application.

How can I do it?


  • A working solution:

    1. Install Java8 using this or this instructions.
    2. Download solr. I'm using version 6.2.0.
    3. Unpack from solr-x.y.z.tgz the script from the bin directory ( bin/ ).
    4. Run this script with the name of the tgz file above as the first parameter ( ./ solr-x.y.z.tgz ). It will install the solr for your system. The core will be in the /opt/solr directory, and the data will be in the /var/solr.
    5. Start the service with service solr start command. The deamon will be executed in name of the solr user. (This user was created by the script.) By default it will listen on port 8983.
    6. You can access its management GUI via http://your_server_name:8983/solr/ . You can find more info here.
    7. Create your solr cores:
    cd /opt/solr
    su - solr
    ./bin/solr create -c corename1
    ./bin/solr create -c corename2
    1. Stop your solr with service solr stop

    2. Change the solr core config to your config. You can find your config files under /path/to/your/rails/application/solr/configsets/sunspot/conf . Copy these file (lang subdirectory is not necessary to change) to your solr core config directory ( /var/solr/data/coranane1/conf/ ). Be sure, that after you change these files, the owner of them will be the solr user.

    3. Start your solr with service solr start

    4. Change your rails solr config file ( config/sunspot.yml ) to something similar:

        hostname: localhost
        port: 8983
        path: '/solr/corename1'
        log_level: WARNING
        pid_dir: '/var/run'
    1. Reindex solr in your rails application:
    RAILS_ENV=production rake sunspot:solr:reindex
    1. Enjoy. :) And don't forget to protect your solr admin interface ( http://your_server_name:8983/solr/ ) via iptables or similar!